Greetings, fellow builders.
This is a blog dedicated to my work in Wellesley College's Fundamentals of Engineering class. All the world is a puzzle and engineers know how to solve it. My name is Katherine Roche, and I like to build things. For example, when I was in ninth grade, I drafted and built my own Iron Man armor out of cardboard for my school's Halloween celebration, complete with pop-up missiles and a working Arc Reactor.
If the world is a puzzle, then anyone and anything on it also is. This first post is just about the puzzle of me. I am a freshman, love comic books and animated films, talk to my pet fish and can read Latin pretty well. For the moment, I intend to double major in Physics and Media Arts and Sciences, however I've always wondered if engineering was the field for me. After founding and being captain of my school's robotics team, I began to see similarities between engineering and my interests. I think ENGR 160 will be the course that ultimately helps me pave my future, and I hope that by the end of it my major(s) path will be clear. That's a lot of expectation to put on one course. Mostly, I just want to have fun, build things and see what it's like to view the world through the eyes of an engineer.